Veterinary Voices

Decoding DISC Leadership - Understanding the “MODEST LEADER” style - 7/8

Julie South of VetStaff & VetClinicJobs Episode 186

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Ever work with a boss, Lead Vet, Head Vet Nurse or Practice Manager who's all about rules, routines and doing it by the book...?

Let me take you inside the mind of the Modest Leader on this podcast episode.

These leaders are obsessed with stability, honesty and having a well-oiled machine at work. Their vibe?  Practical, careful, and crazy organised. You can count on them to make smart choices and avoid risks.

Using the DISC personality model, I'll show you how different team personalities can vibe with a Modest Leader's meticulous style - and what to do when things get rocky.

Key Takeaways:

  • Modest Leaders shine when accuracy and consistency are musts, but may need to loosen up and embrace change sometimes.
  • While some team members dig the predictability, others may feel boxed in by too many rules and not enough flexibility.
  • Open communication is essential. Voice your perspective respectfully, while recognising their commitment to quality.

Join me as I give kudos to Modest Leaders for keeping it real with their integrity and structured approach. But I'll also share tips on finding the balance between order and adaptability.

Whether you're a Modest Leader or work with one, this is a must-listen. Let's unlock your team's full potential through an approach that values stability and quality, but isn't afraid to switch it up when needed.

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Julie South [00:00:05]:
Modest leaders today on the Vet Staff podcast, episode 186, we are focusing on the lead vet, the head nurse, the practice manager or owner who's all about being dependable, honest and organised. They're the ones who are into structured workplaces where everyone can rely on each other to do the right thing. These are the leaders who take charge to make sure things are done well and with a lot of care. They stay calm and sensible, which helps those they work with feel steady and sure, even when the going gets a little bit tough and rocky. Today we are giving credit on episode 186 for the modest leaders strong commitment to honesty, dependability and creating well structured workplaces that help their teams give their best. We'll also talk about ways to help them see the potential in stepping outside their comfort zones and into their stretchy zones from time to time by being a bit more flexible and being open to new ideas when the situation calls for it. Thank you for tuning into the Vetstaff podcast where veterinary professionals can top up their resilience tank, get their head screwed on straight and get excited about going to work on Monday mornings again, just like when everyone was studying. This is episode 186 and I'm your show host, Julie south, certified disc trainer and resilience coach.

Julie South [00:01:51]:
The Vet staff podcast is powered by Vet Staff Limited, the recruitment agency on a mission to help vet clinics recognize, retain and recruit their dream team. We show clinics, vets and nurses how to crack the communication code that's unique to them so resilience skyrockets and people want to join and stay. You can find back copies of the Vet staff this is the the second to last, the 7th in our exciting eight part series all about leadership style styles based on the disc behaviour and personality model. DISC is a research backed and science based personality profiling tool used to understand our behaviours, our communication styles and our work preferences. It's about understanding what makes you and the people you work with tick. So far on this series in this series we have looked at what it's like working with six personality types, six different leader types, the dominant, the dynamic, the inspiring, the accepting, the perfectionist. And then last week we looked at the methodical leaders. If this is your first time you've picked up this podcast, you might like to go back and listen to those episodes as well, to see where you recognise yourself or your leader in any of those different scenarios.

Julie South [00:03:28]:
This week we are going to look at the modest leaders style, how to work with them and what to say if and when you are being triggered by them. Using the disc framework, modest leaders focus on stability and quality. They lead quietly and effectively, making sure their team knows what to do and when to do it. The modest leader is all about supporting their team and working together. They are a combination of the steadiness, the s and the compliance the c type of personality behavior on the disc profile. They guide by setting clear expectations and creating a predictable work environment. The words used to describe them might be practical because they make decisions based on what will work well in the real world. They are careful.

Julie South [00:04:34]:
They like to think things through to avoid mistakes. You could also use organized to describe them because they like to keep things in order and plan ahead to stay on track. And they are also dependable. You can count on them to be consistent and follow through. Modest leaders shine in roles where it's important to be thorough and to maintain a steady pace. They might need to push themselves a bit though, to be a bit more open to change because they like routines and proven work methods. This means that they maybe sometimes just be a bit slow to try new approaches. Avoiding conflict, though, is something that they do prefer.

Julie South [00:05:21]:
They prefer to resolve issues in a calm, collected way. Do you work with a head vet who likes to check things everything carefully to provide the best care? If so, they could be a modest leader. What about the head vet nurse who makes sure that the clinic runs like clockwork with every process followed correctly? Could be that person is also a modest leader. We need to keep in mind, though, that because they have a preference for routine and established ways of doing things, it could sometimes mean that they are limiting their willingness to experiment with innovation or to bring on a little bit of change. So what's it like working on a team with a modest leader? Let's take a top level look at each of the four main disc players personality types, how each might work well with their modest leader, and then perhaps when things start to get a bit rocky, what does this look like? If you are the dominance type, you're the person who is task oriented and likes to get on with things and do it fast. Then for you, when everything is good, you'll respect that your modest leader sets clear rules because that can guide your high energy approach and it can help you achieve results without wasting time. You may become a bit impatient though, with your modest leaders methodical decision making. Their careful pace might frustrate you because you prefer quick action and immediate results.

Julie South [00:07:11]:
You might view the modest leader as being overly cautious. Their preference for minimizing risk could clash with your need for fast progress and for seizing new opportunities. What if you're more of a people oriented person who still likes to move things through fast? Then for you, when the going is good, you'll appreciate your modest leaders definitive expectations because for you they provide a stable platform from which you can engage and help keep everyone motivated. When it's challenging for you, you could find your modest leaders emphasis on routine and their detailed approach a bit restrictive for you. It might dampen your natural inclination for spontaneity and limit how you might express your more sociable nature. You might believe that your modest leader doesn't fully embrace the value of personal connections or the power of brainstorming fresh, creative ideas. Instead, they prefer to stick to the tried and true what if you are the type who likes stability, who values people and wants to make sure everyone's perspective is considered? Then, when it's good for you, you'll see a lot of your own qualities in your modest leader. Their structured approach and their reliability create a calm and stable environment, which is just how you like things.

Julie South [00:08:45]:
This similarity can make you feel understood and appreciated because they value collaboration and careful progress, just like you do. However, there might be times when even you, with your shared preference for steadiness, might feel that the focus on procedures and routines is starting to become a bit too rigid. This can sometimes lead to a work atmosphere that might seem to prioritize tasks over individual team member needs, and that could conflict with your desire to ensure everyone feels supported. Overall, you'll likely see your modest leader as a kindred spirit in the workplace, someone who shares your dedication to consistency and team unity. But you'll also be aware that together you might need to work on balancing task efficiency with personal care to keep the team both productive and happy. And finally, if you are the detail oriented, results driven who likes things done by the book, then when everything is going good for you, working with your modest leader will often feel like working with a mirror image of you. Their meticulous attention to detail and their methodical approach to tasks will make your heart, and it will resonate with you. You both enjoy diving into the specifics and ensuring accuracy, which can lead to strong mutual respect.

Julie South [00:10:25]:
Your modest leaders careful planning and risk avoidance aligns with your own desire for a well ordered and predictable work life. At times, though, it gets a little bit challenging when you and your modest leader perhaps might find yourselves in a too many cooks in the kitchen scenario. When it comes to details, you both might occasionally get bogged down in the minutiae, potentially leading to analysis paralysis. There could be moments when you both need to step back and look at the bigger picture to move forward. Overall, though, generally you'll appreciate your modest leaders style because it reflects your own. However, you're also aware that to achieve best outcomes, you both might need to step out of your comfort zones of details and consider perhaps innovation or bigger picture strategies. Okie dokie. We have just discussed some of the strengths and the potential growth areas for modest leaders to consider as they interact with different people on their teams.

Julie South [00:11:45]:
Now let's look at how each of these different types might be challenged by their leader and then what they might say. What you might say to find some middle ground that works for both your strengths and your leaders strengths. So if you're the get it done now type person, what gets to you is you'll likely start to feel annoyed when you can't make decisions quickly or push ahead because you think there's too much worry about playing it safe. This might come from having to stick closely to rules, getting your choices picked over in detail. Or perhaps you'll bump up against a no risk attitude that clings to the usual way of doing things. You might become restless or perhaps feel boxed in, thinking to yourself, we're letting good chances slip away because perhaps you're too focused on minor things. Or perhaps it feels like your ability to take charge is always being second guessed. If that is ringing some bells for you, then what you could say is, I respect the need for methodical processes, but I'm getting a little bit worried that we might be overlooking opportunities because we're too wrapped up in procedure.

Julie South [00:13:08]:
Is there a way we can keep the good from the structured approach, but also make quick, bold moves when opportunities arise or when opportunities present themselves? If you are the fast acting collaborator, the eye type for you where you get frustrated, as you might feel that you're getting boxed in and there's not much focus on rules and not enough room for sharing ideas and getting the team vibe. It bugs you when creativity takes a backseat to doing things by the book, or when the work environment feels a bit more like a list of do's and don'ts than a place where everyone can throw ideas around and energize each other. What could be going on in your head? What could be you could be feeling is you start feeling a bit down or like your spark's gone out. You might start thinking like your out of the box ideas aren't getting any air time, or all these rules are zapping your team's spirit. So if that's you, then here's what you could say. I really respect how precise and thorough you are, but I think we could hit it out of the park if we mixed in more team brainstorming. How about we carve out some time for everyone to just throw throw ideas around, no strings attached, and see what amazing things we can come up with. If you are the steady as you go people focus team member who likes direction so you've kind of.

Julie South [00:14:49]:
You're the steadiness type. You have some things in common with your modest leader. What bothers you, though, is you start to get a bit uncomfortable when there's too much focus on just checking off tasks and sticking to the rules without considering how the team feels or how hard they are working. You'll find it stressful when there's intense pressure to follow strict rules all the time. Without room for thoughtful reflection or enough backing, you might start to feel or think that you and the team's efforts aren't being valued if everything isn't done perfectly, or that there's too much constant pressure to conform to set ways of doing things. Thoughts like our consistent hard work isn't being seen unless it's exactly by the book, or that you're always expected to follow the plan with no wiggle room, thoughts like that might cross your mind. If so, here's what you can say. I understand why it's important to stick to our tried and true methods, but I've noticed that this can be pretty tough on the team.

Julie South [00:16:01]:
Can we think about ways to ensure that we're recognizing everyone's hard work and keeping up our team spirit, even when even while we make sure to follow the necessary protocols? And then finally, another kindred spirit with your leader. This time, you're the detail oriented. You're the results driven team member who appreciates thorough planning. Usually you like doing things by the book, but it bugs you when there's no room to think about different ways to do things better. You might feel like you're not supposed to question how things are done or suggest new ideas for making them work smoother. And that really gets to you. It annoys you like crazy. You might start feeling boxed in, thinking that we're probably missing chances to make our work better.

Julie South [00:16:54]:
Or perhaps I wish I could dig deeper into how we could improve things around here. If so, what you could say is, I really value our attention to detail and the way we stick to what works. But do you think we could take some time out to go over our usual way of doing things and see if there's room to fine tune or make them more efficient, more better. Also, while keeping up our high standards, I hope you found this helpful as a way to understand your a little bit better, a teeny tiny, incy wincy dinky bit better, and how you might relate to someone who has the modest leader personality style. Next week we are looking at the accommodating leader. These are those who are described as being very people oriented. They are the good listeners. They're diplomatic, loyal and courteous.

Julie South [00:17:56]:
So remember, please to click that follow button on your podcast app of choice so you don't miss out on that episode. Have you ever wondered what makes you tick? Taking the disc personality profile assessment gives you that information, plus how you can gel better with other people. For leaders, you'll discover your leadership style and strengths when everyone in your clinic is assessed. I guarantee your team's collaboration levels will go through the roof because everyone understands everyone else better. Interested to find more and to find out what that guarantee covers? Then please get in touch with me. Julietstaff dot co dot NZ congratulations on getting this far. You're now part of an elite group of listeners who have made it all the way to the end. I'm going to assume that you like what you've heard.

Julie South [00:18:58]:
Therefore, can you do me a favor please and help spread the Vetstar podcast? Love. All you have to do is share it with three veterinary friends who you think are maybe losing their mojo, or your manager because you can see what we've talked about today will benefit your clinic. Thank you. Doing that helps rekindle the passion that you all had when you started studying veterinary and about being excited about going to work on Monday mornings. This is Julie south signing off and inviting you to go out there and be the most fantabulous and resilient and empowered version of you you can be. The Vet staff podcast is proudly powered by, the new and innovative global job board reimagining veterinary recruitment connecting veterinary professionals with clinics that shine online is your go to resource for finding the perfect career opportunities and helping vet clinics power up their employer branding game. Visit today to find vet clinics that shine online so veterinary professionals can find them.

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